I guess he is not scared of heights!
It is looking more and more like a house these days. The framers we hired (best investment so far) have really been moving quickly. It is really nice to see the house with rafters on it because now we can really get a feel for how it is going to look. So far we are pretty happy with how things are turning out with one exeption, our bedroom. It is not bad, but it got a little smaller than we would have liked. Thats not too big of a problem for us though because we really don't figure we will need that much space in there. There is luckily a lot of room everywhere else!
Here is a look at the back
You can see the rafters going on the front over the loft area in this pic. Lifting that rafter into position with no floor under it makes this a pretty difficult task. I don't think the guys were too happy about doing this.
One more shot of the back.