Monday, February 2, 2009

We've got to clean out the camper!

I'm sure that everyone has the same stories and the same pics from this awful storm, but we all like to share our experiences just the same. So, here is our story............

Justin hasn't slept in his own bed since Monday night! He left early Monday morning for a TX trip. (Check his blog for the latest post about that.) I was really uneasy about him going on this trip since I knew the weather was going to be bad between here and there. I am normally not uneasy about him going on trips over night (actually to tell the truth we both look forward to him going on an overnight trip once in a while!), but for some reason I wasn't looking forward to him going. Probably because I knew it could be several days before he could get back home. He did get to come home on Wednesday (thank goodness). We were out of school on Tuesday as a precaution. About 7 that night I headed to my parents house. I knew that if the power went out at Ron & Jill's all they have is the wood fireplace and I didn't want to impose on them any more than we already are. My parents have gas heat and tend to be very overly prepared for power outages. They live out in the country and the power goes out pretty often out there. I spent the next four nights at their house. Justin came out and stayed there too once he got home. On Thursday we went all over town and to Trumann looking for lamp oil and D batteries. We like everyone else in the area were in need of those things and of course couldn't find them anywhere. We did however find the cutest welcome bear for the house and a coleman camp stove to replace the one of my dad's that wasn't working so well. It was the last stove in the store. We got there just ahead of another man and I think he was a little irrtated that we took it and didn't let him have it. We finally found the lamp oil and batteries in Memphis!!! We had to run over and look at some flooring so the hunt continued on there. The Wal-Mart in Germantown had coleman kerosene (lamp oil) for the lamps and we found batteries at the Bass Pro there. The Bass Pro was completely wiped out of every camping supply they had! Saturday we spent the night at our friend's Keith & Denise's house. And we are now staying with Joslyn and Aaron. We feel like gypsies! We have been living out of the jeep and a suitcase for days now. Justin looked at me Saturday night and said, "Courtney, we have got to clean out this camper!" The jeep doesn't make the best camper, but we are making the best of what we've got til the power is back on at Ron & Jill's. A huge thanks to those that have taken us in this last week. We really do appreciate it!

Here are some pictures of what it was like at our house:

(Did anyone notice that there is felt on our house?!!!!! Our metal was supposed to come in for the roof last week sometime, but we haven't heard anything about that.)
Here is a glimpse of what it was like at my parents house:

As you can see they really do live out in the country with ALOT of trees! The have one lone tree that didn't loose any branches. Their place is going to take all year to clean up. Some of it will probably never get cleaned up. They still don't have power either.
Well, I guess that is the best and the worst of Winter Blast 2009 for us!